There's just you, me and our

too many mistakes that I made.. but my biggest mistake is, i make you go away from my life. i really sorry about that.. and I would do anything to make you come back to me :(

not for anyone

I don't care what people think or say about me, I was not born on this earth to please anyone.

someone someday

sometimes when i say "i'm okay".  i want someone to look me in the eyes, hug me tight and say "i know you are not".

no haters

There are no haters, and i sure they don't hate me.  They just failed in trying to understand me.


Phobia is an anxiety disorder which is a disorder characterized by anxiety or fear is not unrealistic, irrational, and can not be intensively displayed in obvious ways. The word "phobia" comes from the Greek term "Phobos" meaning run (fight), fear and panic (panic-fear), great fear (terror). This term is used since the time of Hippocrates.

The following 10 illustrated of phobias that I visualize in the medium of photography that became a theme in my final project at Trisakti University majoring of photography.


march'03 2010

I wear this bracelet since 2006 until yesterday I finally declared graduated :)